Rtist featured in R graph gallery
Posted on November 06, 2015
Rtist now being feature in the new R graph gallery.
A couple of days ago I was contacted by Yan Holtz, a French researcher involved in statistical programming and bioinformatics.
As you can tell from the screenshot above Yan is starting a new R graph gallery www.r-graph-gallery.com, and he wanted to know if I was interested in contributing with my random paintings in the Data Art section of the gallery. And of course I couldn’t say no.
Yesterday, Yan let me know that some of my plots are now displayed in the R graph gallery. Kudos to Yan for curating this fresh gallery, and cheers to the other R-tists contributing to this project (e.g. Marcus Volz, Alisa Singer, Nadieh Bremer, Paivi Julin)