11 Namespace

11.1 Introduction

In addition to the mandatory DESCRIPTION file in the top level of the package directory, an R package also requires another mandatory text file called NAMESPACE. This file, with its syntax and its purpose, is perhaps one of the more disorienting elements in a package. So let me try to demistify and explain what a name NAMESPACE file is used for.

11.2 About Namespaces

Admittedly, the word namespace is one of those terms that says everything and nothing at the same time. The meaning behind namespace is basically that: space for a name. That’s the simple part. The complication arises when we naturally ask: What name? What space?

According to Wikipedia:

In computing, a namespace is a set of symbols that are used to organize objects of various kinds, so that these objects may be referred to by name. Prominent examples include:

  • file systems are namespaces that assign names to files
  • some programming languages organize their variables and subroutines in namespaces
  • computer networks and distributed systems assign names to resources, such as computers, printers, websites, (remote) files, etc.

The main concept is that of a name of an object and its value. For example, consider the following code in which objects a and b are created:

From a technical point of view, the command a <- 1 implies that an object named a is being assigned the value of 1. In turn, the command b <- c('hi', 'there') involves creating an object named b which takes the value of a character vector.

When you type the name of an object, R will look up for it and see what value is associated to (if the object exists). In order to uniquely and correctly identified the value of a name (i.e. named object), R uses a formal system of environments, scoping rules, and namespaces. Without entering into the details of environments, and scoping rules, the idea of a namespace is to provide a context so that R knows how to find the value of an object associated with a name. The lack of such a context would result in total chaos.

Why is this context extremely important with R packages? The best way to answer this question is by thinking about two (or more) different packages containing a function with the same name. For instance, base R contains the function norm() which computes the norm of a matrix (and returns an error when you pass a vector to it). Say that I write my own function norm() to compute the norm of a vector. If I run the command norm(1:5), what’s going to happen? Will R get confused about which norm() to use? Will it use R’s base norm()? Or will it use my norm()?

This is where namespaces come very handy. Let’s assume that my function norm() is actually part of a package called "vectortools". By having a dedicated namespace for each package, we can use the :: operator to tell R which function (which name) to use: either base::norm() or vectortools::norm().

11.3 Namespace of a Package

So far we’ve discussed the idea of a namescape, which is what allows you to invoke commands such as vectortools::norm(), so that R does not get confused about which function norm() to use. But what about the file NAMESPACE?

According the technical manual Writing R Extensions,

This file contains namespace directives describing the imports and exports of the namespace.

What does this mean?

In regards to a package, the concept of names has to do with the names of the objects in the package. Most objects in a package are the functions that it is made of. But a package can also contain data sets typically in the form of data frames, or matrices, or other types of data structures.

The so-called namespace directives is just the fancy name used to indicate: 1) which functions of your package will be exported, and optionally 2) which functions from other packages are imported by your package, or 3) which packages need to be imported because your package depends on them.

11.3.1 Exported Functions

Not all the functions that you write have to be available for the end-user. Often, you will be writing small auxiliary functions that are called by other functions. A typical example of these functions are checkers (or validators). In the "cointoss" package example, we have functions like check_sides() and check_prob(), which are the auxiliary functions called by the constructor function coin(). The constructor is the function that has been designed for the end user; the auxiliary functions are not intended to be called by the end user.

You can tell R which functions are to be exported: those that the end user is supposed to invoke. And which functions to keep “under the hood” (by not exporting them, by default). The list of functions and methods that will be exported (export directives) goes inside the NAMESPACE.

Likewise, if your package uses functions from other packages that don’t form part of R’s base distribution, you should also specify these in the NAMESPACE file.

11.3.2 Roxygen export

This book assumes that you are using roxygen comments to document the functions. The good news is that roxygen has a dedicated keyword that let’s you specify an export directive: the @export keyword. Every time you include an @export comment in the documentation of a function, this will be taken into account when running the code that generates the corresponding documentation (i.e. in an .Rd file).

Here’s an example with the code of the coin() function. Notice the roxygen comment @export to indicate that this function must be exported in the namespace of the package.

The way we are going to build a package will be done in such a manner that R will automatically generate content for the NAMESPACE file. Assuming that coin() was the only exported function, then NAMESPACE would look like this:

# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand


This means that the package "roxygen2" is actually doing the work for us, automatically updating NAMESPACE. Observe the syntax export(coin), meaning that coin() will be exported.

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