12 Tests

12.1 Introduction

Test with "testthat" Instead of writing a list of more or less informal test, we are going to use the functions provide by "testthat".

12.2 Including Tests

You should make an honest effort to include tests in your package. This requires adding a subdirectory tests/. Inside this directory you have to include an .R script file testthat.R and a subdirectory called testthat/. More specifically:

  • In the directory of the package, create a folder "tests".
  • Inside the folder tests/ create another folder "testthat"; this is where you include R scripts containing the unit tests.
  • All the script files inside testthat/ should start with tha name test e.g. test-coin.R, test-toss.R, etc.
  • Inside the folder testthat/, create an R script testthat.R
Structure of test files

Figure 12.1: Structure of test files

12.3 Script testthat.R

The script testthat.R is just an auxiliary script. The content of this file is very minimalist, with three lines of code, something like this:



As you can tell, you simply load the package testthat, then load your package, and finally run test_check() on your package.

12.4 About "testthat"

"testthat" is one of the packages in R that helps you write tests for your functions. One of the main references is the paper testthat: Get Started with Testing by Hadley Wickham (see link below). This paper clearly describes the philosophy and workflow of "testthat". But keep in mind that since the introduction of the package, many more functions haven been added to it.


  • "testthat" provides a testing framework for R that is easy to learn and use
  • "testthat" has a hierarchical structure made up of:
    • expectations
    • tests
    • contexts
Conceptual test structure

Figure 12.2: Conceptual test structure

  • A context involves tests formed by groups of expectations
Abstract and functional representations

Figure 12.3: Abstract and functional representations

  • Each test structure has associated functions:
    • expect_that() for expectations
    • test_that() for groups of tests
    • context() for contexts
Description of testthat components

Figure 12.4: Description of testthat components

12.4.1 List of common expectation functions

Function Description
expect_true(x) expects that x is TRUE
expect_false(x) expects that x is FALSE
expect_null(x) expects that x is NULL
expect_type(x) expects that x is of type y
expect_is(x, y) expects that x is of class y
expect_length(x, y) expects that x is of length y
expect_equal(x, y) expects that x is equal to y
expect_equivalent(x, y) expects that x is equivalent to y
expect_identical(x, y) expects that x is identical to y
expect_lt(x, y) expects that x is less than y
expect_gt(x, y) expects that x is greater than y
expect_lte(x, y) expects that x is less than or equal to y
expect_gte(x, y) expects that x is greater than or equal y
expect_named(x) expects that x has names y
expect_matches(x, y) expects that x matches y (regex)
expect_message(x, y) expects that x gives message y
expect_warning(x, y) expects that x gives warning y
expect_error(x, y) expects that x throws error y

12.4.2 Remarks

  • Each testing file should contain a single context() call that provides a brief description of its contents.
  • You can organize your tests any way that you like. But again, the two extremes are clearly bad (all tests in one file, one file per test). You need to find a happy medium that works for you. A good starting place is to have one file of tests for each complicated function.

To know more about testing a package with "testthat", see r-pkgs: Testing.

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