R Coding Basics

An Introduction to the Basics of Coding in R

1st Edition: November 2022
2nd Edition: December 2023


This text seeks to give you an introduction to programming in R.

In a nutshell, I discuss the basics of R, covering properties of data objects, such as vectors, factors, matrices, lists, and data frames. Likewise, I describe fundamental notions of programming (e.g. functions, conditionals, iterations).

About You

I am assuming that you have both R or RStudio installed in your computer. If this is not the case, you can take a look at Breaking the Ice with R



You can cite this work as:

Sanchez, G. (2022) An Introduction to the Basics of Coding in R.

My Series of R Tutorials

This document is part of a series of texts that I’ve written about Programming and Data Analysis in R:


As a Data Science and Statistics educator, I love to share the work I do. Each month I spend dozens of hours curating learning materials like this resource. If you find any value and usefulness in it, please consider making a one-time donation—via paypal—in any amount (e.g. the amount you would spend inviting me a cup of coffee or any other drink). Your support really matters.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.