11 Open Notify API

In this chapter we provide another fairly simple example of an API: Open Notify.

You will need the following packages

library(tidyverse)   # data wrangling and graphics
library(httr2)       # for HTTP requests
library(jsonlite)    # for working with JSON data
library(leaflet)     # for interactive web maps

11.1 Introduction

Open Notify is an open source project, developed and maintained by Nathan Bergey, to provide a simple application programming interface (API) for some of NASA’s data.

Open Notify API

Figure 11.1: Open Notify API

If you visit Open Notify’s website https://www.open-notify.org, you’ll see that this API allows you to make 3 types of requests:

  • current location of the International Space Station (ISS)

  • overhead pass predictions for the ISS

  • number of astronauts in space

11.2 Current ISS Location

To get the current location of the International Space Station (ISS) we need to check the documentation of the ISS Location Now webpage given in the link below:


Open Notify API

Figure 11.2: Open Notify API

Inspecting the API documentation (see image below), it is possible to use Open Notify to obtain the current location of the ISS by making a request to http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json

Open Notify API

Figure 11.3: Open Notify API

To reiterate, the URL to get the location data of the ISS is given by:


At the time of this writing, the ISS position is:

{"iss_position": {"longitude": "-58.8531", "latitude": "-28.5444"}, "message": "success", "timestamp": 1699732761}

Notice that this output is given in JSON format which we can momentarily arrange as:

  "iss_position": {
    "longitude": "-58.8531", 
    "latitude": "-28.5444"
  "message": "success", 
  "timestamp": 1699732761

What do we have? We get the longitude and latitude, the message status of the HTTP GET request, and also a UNIX timestamp expressed in number of seconds since Jan-01-1970.

11.2.1 Getting Location (Approach 1)

One way to get the longitude and latitude coordinates of the ISS is by passing the URL directly to the fromJSON() function. Keep in mind that this method does not involve the explicit creation of an HTTP request.

iss_loc_url = "http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json"

iss_loc_list = fromJSON(iss_loc_json)

#> $iss_position
#> $iss_position$longitude
#> [1] "-58.8531"
#> $iss_position$latitude
#> [1] "-28.5444"
#> $message
#> [1] "success"
#> $timestamp
#> [1] 1699732761

11.2.2 Getting Location (Approach 2)

Another approach is to use functions from the R package "httr2".

The first step is to create a request object with request(), and then complete the full path by appending the JSON file name. After that, we call req_perform() to submit the request:

req = request("http://api.open-notify.org")

# then add on the query path
resp = req |>
  req_url_path_append("iss-now.json") |>

#> <httr2_response>
#> GET http://api.open-notify.org/iss-now.json
#> Status: 200 OK
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Body: In memory (113 bytes)

Recall that resp is basically an R list with the following elements:

#> [1] "method"      "url"         "status_code" "headers"     "body"       
#> [6] "request"     "cache" 

The body element contains the content of the response, and it is in "raw" vector format by default:

#>   [1] 7b 22 69 73 73 5f 70 6f 73 69 74 69 6f 6e 22 3a 20 7b 22 6c
#>  [21] 61 74 69 74 75 64 65 22 3a 20 22 2d 31 32 2e 36 36 30 38 22
#>  [41] 2c 20 22 6c 6f 6e 67 69 74 75 64 65 22 3a 20 22 2d 39 2e 35
#>  [61] 30 37 33 22 7d 2c 20 22 6d 65 73 73 61 67 65 22 3a 20 22 73
#>  [81] 75 63 63 65 73 73 22 2c 20 22 74 69 6d 65 73 74 61 6d 70 22
#> [101] 3a 20 31 36 39 39 38 39 34 37 31 32 7d

We can use rawToChar() to convert the content into a JSON string:

#> [1] "{\"iss_position\": {\"latitude\": \"-28.5444\", \"longitude\": \"-58.8531\"}, \"message\": \"success\", \"timestamp\": 1699732761}"

Alternatively, we can also use resp_body_json() to directly extract the JSON content as a list in R:

resp |> resp_body_json()
#> $iss_position
#> $iss_position$longitude
#> [1] "-58.8531"
#> $iss_position$latitude
#> [1] "-28.5444"
#> $message
#> [1] "success"
#> $timestamp
#> [1] 1699732761

11.2.3 Map with "leaflet" (ver 1)

With the longitude and latitude of the ISS, we can make a map to visualize its location around the Earth. In an attempt to replicate the map displayed in Open Notify—which is based on a Leaflet map—we can try to get our own map.

The first step is to create a data.frame iss_loc_dat with the longitude (lng) and latitude (lat)

iss_loc_dat = data.frame(
  lng = as.numeric(iss_loc_list$iss_position$longitude),
  lat = as.numeric(iss_loc_list$iss_position$latitude)

We pass this data to leaflet(), adding tiles, and a couple of markers to indicate the current location.

leaflet(data = iss_loc_dat) |>
  addTiles() |>
    radius = 50,
    stroke = FALSE, 
    fillOpacity = 0.3) |>
  addMarkers() |>
  setView(lng = iss_loc_dat$lng, lat = iss_loc_dat$lat, zoom = 3)

11.2.4 Map with "leaflet" (ver 2)

I was curious about the possibility of adding an image with the silhouette of the ISS. Luckily I found a PNG image file from wikimedia


The image file that I chose, shown below, was the one with the smallest resolution: 320 x 202 pixels

ISS image from Wikimedia

Figure 11.4: ISS image from Wikimedia

Creating an leaflet Icon

With the PNG file of the ISS, we have to create an icon via the "leaflet" function makeIcon(). For convenience, we need to resize the icon image by specifying iconWidth and iconHeight dimensions. Also, to center the icon image when displayed on the map, we also need to specify iconAnchorX and iconAnchorY values:

# url of ISS icon from Wikimedia Commons (png file)
# (broken into pieces so that it fits nicely on the screen)
wikimedia = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d0/"
iss = "International_Space_Station.svg/"
png = "320px-International_Space_Station.svg.png"
iss_icon = paste0(wikimedia, iss, png)

# define icon properties
issIcon <- makeIcon(
  iconUrl = iss_icon,
  iconWidth = 100,
  iconHeight = 70,
  iconAnchorX = 50,
  iconAnchorY = 35)

The last step involves making the map:

# leaflet map
leaflet(data = iss_loc_dat) |>
  addTiles() |>
    lng = ~lng, 
    lat = ~lat,
    radius = 70,
    stroke = FALSE, 
    fillOpacity = 0.3) |>
    lng = ~lng, 
    lat = ~lat, 
    icon = issIcon) |> 
  setView(lng = iss_loc_dat$lng, lat = iss_loc_dat$lat, zoom = 2)

Pretty nice, isn’t?

11.3 Astronauts in Space

Another kind of data that Open Notify lets you obtain is the number of astronauts in space. To get this data we need to check the documentation of the People in Space webpage given in the link below:


Open Notify API: number of people in space

Figure 11.5: Open Notify API: number of people in space

To reiterate, the URL to get the location data of the ISS is given by:


At the time of this writing, the ISS position is:

{"message": "success", "people": [{"name": "Jasmin Moghbeli", "craft": "ISS"}, {"name": "Andreas Mogensen", "craft": "ISS"}, {"name": "Satoshi Furukawa", "craft": "ISS"}, {"name": "Konstantin Borisov", "craft": "ISS"}, {"name": "Oleg Kononenko", "craft": "ISS"}, {"name": "Nikolai Chub", "craft": "ISS"}, {"name": "Loral O'Hara", "craft": "ISS"}], "number": 7}

Notice that this output is given in JSON format which we can momentarily arrange as:

  "message": "success", 
  "people": [
    {"name": "Jasmin Moghbeli", "craft": "ISS"}, 
    {"name": "Andreas Mogensen", "craft": "ISS"}, 
    {"name": "Satoshi Furukawa", "craft": "ISS"}, 
    {"name": "Konstantin Borisov", "craft": "ISS"}, 
    {"name": "Oleg Kononenko", "craft": "ISS"}, 
    {"name": "Nikolai Chub", "craft": "ISS"}, 
    {"name": "Loral O'Hara", "craft": "ISS"}
  "number": 7

What do we have in this JSON object? We get the "message" status of the HTTP GET request, we also have an array "people" containing the data of the astronauts consisting of their "name" and "craft"; and finally we have the total "number" of people in space.

11.3.1 Getting Data with HTTP request

The first step is to create a request object with request(), and then complete the full path by appending the JSON file name. After that, we call req_perform() to submit the request:

req = request("http://api.open-notify.org")

# then add on the query path
resp = req |>
  req_url_path_append("astros.json") |>

#> <httr2_response>
#> GET http://api.open-notify.org/astros.json
#> Status: 200 OK
#> Content-Type: application/json
#> Body: In memory (360 bytes)

To get the JSON content we use resp_body_json() which returns an R list:

astros = resp |> resp_body_json()

#> $message
#> [1] "success"
#> $people
#> $people[[1]]
#> $people[[1]]$name
#> [1] "Jasmin Moghbeli"
#> $people[[1]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $people[[2]]
#> $people[[2]]$name
#> [1] "Andreas Mogensen"
#> $people[[2]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $people[[3]]
#> $people[[3]]$name
#> [1] "Satoshi Furukawa"
#> $people[[3]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $people[[4]]
#> $people[[4]]$name
#> [1] "Konstantin Borisov"
#> $people[[4]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $people[[5]]
#> $people[[5]]$name
#> [1] "Oleg Kononenko"
#> $people[[5]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $people[[6]]
#> $people[[6]]$name
#> [1] "Nikolai Chub"
#> $people[[6]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $people[[7]]
#> $people[[7]]$name
#> [1] "Loral O'Hara"
#> $people[[7]]$craft
#> [1] "ISS"
#> $number
#> [1] 7

So far, so good.

But what if we want to arrange the astronauts data into a table (e.g. data frame or tibble)? The astros object is a list, and the element $people—which is also a list—has the data we are interested in.

This is where we can use apply() functions such as lapply() and sapply(). Let’s start with lapply() by extracting the names of the astronauts which are in the first element of the list astros$people. Notice we do this by defining an anonymous function to get the precisely the first element of a list:

# extract name of astronauts
lapply(astros$people, function(x) x[[1]])
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "Jasmin Moghbeli"
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "Andreas Mogensen"
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "Satoshi Furukawa"
#> [[4]]
#> [1] "Konstantin Borisov"
#> [[5]]
#> [1] "Oleg Kononenko"
#> [[6]]
#> [1] "Nikolai Chub"
#> [[7]]
#> [1] "Loral O'Hara"

The issue is that we still have a list. The good news is that we can unlist() this output, ot we can also use sapply() instead of lapply() so that R returns a simplified output object, in this case a vector:

astros_name = sapply(astros$people, function(x) x[[1]])

#> [1] "Jasmin Moghbeli"    "Andreas Mogensen"   "Satoshi Furukawa"  
#> [4] "Konstantin Borisov" "Oleg Kononenko"     "Nikolai Chub"      
#> [7] "Loral O'Hara" 

To get the name of the astronauts’ spacecrafts we repeat the same sapply() operation but now on the second element of the astros$people list

astros_craft = sapply(astros$people, function(x) x[[2]])

#> [1] "ISS" "ISS" "ISS" "ISS" "ISS" "ISS" "ISS"

And the last step involves building the table:

astros_dat = data.frame(name = astros_name, craft = astros_craft)
#>                 name craft
#> 1    Jasmin Moghbeli   ISS
#> 2   Andreas Mogensen   ISS
#> 3   Satoshi Furukawa   ISS
#> 4 Konstantin Borisov   ISS
#> 5     Oleg Kononenko   ISS
#> 6       Nikolai Chub   ISS
#> 7       Loral O'Hara   ISS